
Certificate of Import and Export Procedures & Documentation

This is a qualification for a person who provides import and export services in a country. Successful achievement of this qualification requires the application of a significant range of fundamental principles and complex techniques across a wide and often unpredictable variety of contexts in relation to either varied or highly specific functions. Following this course will help you gain significant knowledge about import and export procedures, customs tariffs, and Sri Lanka Port Authority operations or procedures. 

  • Introduction to the Business Registration Department and Company Registration Office
  • Introduction to Inland Revenue and Taxation (TIN, Tax, NBT, VAT)
  • Create the company website and email.
  • How to find buyers and suppliers
  • Product sample and courier procedures, parcel post
  • Payment method for the sample value PayPal, Western Union, on-dial, TT
  • International marketing for company products
  • Organization and function of the customs department
  • Customs law and enforcement
  • ADP Division, ASYCUDATT, and EDI
  • Bonding procedures
  • Customs export procedures
  • Custom import procedures
  • Illicit trade and wild life
  • Custom valuation
  • Infac Center
  • Parcel post procedures and FRIC
  • Custom accounting procedures
  • Custom Refund and Drawback
  • BOI Procedures
  • SLPA Import and Export Procedures
  • Clearance of passenger baggage
  • Function of the “D” Branch
  • Cusdec (Customs Declaration)
  • Air Cargo Procedure
  • Banking and tender sale procedure
  • SLPA Charges and Introduction of SLPA
  • Classification of goods and Harmonized System (HS Code)
  • Clearance of motor vehicles
  • Principles of WTO Valuation Agreements and International Trade Agreements
  • Mode of Settlement and Payments Used in International Trade
  • Trade term used in international trade and type of letter of credit (L/C)
  • Field tour of Colombo Harbor
  • G.C.E A/L or equivalent
  • English with Sinhala Language
  • July
  • 3 months
  • Face to face and Field Trip
  • Combination and theory Practical and Project Assessment
  • Diploma in Logistic / Shipping and Cargo
  • Shipping manager, Warf Clerk, Import & Export Manager, Documentation Clerk
Diploma in Property Law and Credit Management

This is a qualification for a person who provides the services of valuation, insurance, deed registration, partition case, conveyancing, motor vehicle registration, and credit management. Successful achievement of this qualification requires the application of a significant range of fundamental principles and complex techniques across a wide and often unpredictable variety of contexts in relation to either varied or highly specific functions. Completing this will be an opportunity for those who would like to get a valuable qualification in this field.

  1. Surveying
  2. Valuation
  • Definition of Valuation
  • History of Valuation
  • Classification of Property
  • Purpose of valuation
  • Mortgage Valuation
  • Method of Valuation
  • Factors affecting the land value
  • Valuation of Condominium Properties
  1. UDA Local Government Activities
  2. Department of Land Registration Activities
  3. General Insurance
  • Full motor insurance
  • Third-party motor vehicle insurance
  • Marine Insurance
  • Loan Protection Insurance
  • Fire and Burglary Insurance
  • Travel Insurance
  • Title Insurance
  • Health Insurance
  1. Department of Motor Vehicle Registration Activities;
  • Motor Vehicle Registration and Certificates
  • Deletion Letter
  • Absolutely Ownership
  • Ownership Transfer
  1. Motor vehicle, machine, and property leasing and loans;
  • Lease Agreement
  • Lease Purchase Agreement
  • Hire Purchase Agreement
  • Termination of the Agreement
  • Ceasing order
  • Default charges
  1. Partition Case 
  2. Conveyancing and Office of Notary
  • Office of Notary
  • Conveyancing
  • Examination of Title
  • Registration of Documents
  • Registration of Title under Act No.21 of 1998 & Title Registration Format
  • Stamp duty Act
  • Prevention of Frauds Ordinance
  • Condominium Property
  • Type of Deed:
  • Deed of transfer
  • Deed of Gift
  • Lease Agreement
  • Last wills and testaments
  • Deed of Partnership
  • Agreement
  • Power of Attorney
  • Amicable Partition Deeds and deed of Exchange
  • Deed of Declaration
  • Deed of Rectification
  • Deed of Renunciation
  • Mortgage Bond
  • Akaradaruwa
  • Deed of Trust
  • Deed of Postponement
  • Deed of re-correction
  • Deed of Release
  • Deed of Pooja
  • Deed of Cancellation of Lease
  • Sales Agreement
  1. Caveat Order
  2. Road Ownership
  3. Promissory Note
  4. Title deed
  5. Condominium Property
  6. Real estate and free-hold property
  7. Credit Management
  • Introduction
  • Concept of Credit
  • Credit definition
  • Characteristics of Credit
  • Types of credit
  • Credit Classification
  • Credit Instruments
  • Advantages of Credit
  • Disadvantages of Credit
  • Role of Credit in the Economy
  • Concepts of Credit Management
  • Principles of sound lending
  • Formulating of Loan Policy 
  • Administration of credit
  • Influencing Factors in Loan Policy
  • Evaluation of the applicant
  • Credit Monitoring
  • Organization of Bank Lending
  • Credit Process
  • Loan Pricing
  • Classification of securities
  • Concepts of Credit Risk Management
  • Credit risk rating
  • Introduction to the Central Bank and Credit Information Bureau
  • Type of bank in Sri Lanka
  • Basel II (Accord)
  • An NPA Concept
  1. Parate Execution
  2. Money Laundering
  • Priority Sector Lending
  • Conclusion
  • Credit, Lending, and Recovery Service
  • Credit, Lending, and Recovery Documentation
  • Relevant documents for credit assessment
  • Micro Credit
  • Islamic Banking
  1. Project
  • G.C.E A/L or equivalent
  • English with Sinhala Language
  • January / July
  • 6 months (150 hours)
  • Face to face
  • Written Exam Paper and Assessment with Project
  • Credit Manager, Credit Marketing Executive,  Recovery Officer, Credit Assessment Officer, Debt Collector, Branch Manager
Diploma in Logistics and Material Management

This is a qualification for a person who provides leadership and strategic direction in planning and managing deployment logistics. Successful achievement of this qualification requires the application of a significant range of fundamental principles and complex techniques across a wide and often unpredictable variety of contexts in relation to either varied or highly specific functions. Contribution to developing a broad plan, budget, or strategy is involved, and accountability and responsibility for oneself and others in achieving the outcomes are also involved. Significant judgment is required in planning, design, technical, or leadership/guidance functions related to products, services, operations, or procedures.

  • Administer chain-of-responsibility policies and procedures.
  • Develop and maintain operational procedures for transport and logistics enterprises.
  • Provide Leadership
  • Manage policy implementation.
  • Manage risk
  • Manage budgets and financial plans.
  • Stores Function
  • Materials Management
  • Determination of Requirements and Specifications
  • Stores/Stockyards, Organization, Layout, and Security
  • Procurement of Stores
  • Receipts Procedure
  • Storage of Goods
  • Issue Procedure
  • Stock Verification
  • Inventory Control
  • Stores Accounting
  • Materials Handling and Documentation
  • Classification, Coding, and Cataloguing of Stores
  • Disposal Methods and Procedures
  • Management Principles and Practice
  • Ensure a safe workplace
  • Manage people performance
  • Manage customer service
  • Manage operational plan
  • Undertake project plan
  • Manage contracted support services
  • Apply knowledge of logistics
  • Manage Strategic contracts
  • Establish supply chains
  • Develop and implement a business plan
  • G.C.E A/L and Certificate in Management or equivalent
  • English with Sinhala Language
  • February / July / October
  • 3 months + 3 months internship with salary paid
  • Face to face, computer-aided and Field Trip
  • Combination and theory Practical and Project Assessment
  • Bachelor of Logistics Management
  • Project Manager, Transport Manager, Warehouse Manager, Store Keeper, Inventory Controller,  Purchasing Officer, Store manager